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August 7th, 2019, Posted by Pixel Global

The e-commerce industry is flourishing day by day. But since the popularity of Amazon and Walmart is often dominating the sector, it is getting difficult for the new e-commerce businesses to stand out.

However, we all know “where there is a will, there is a way”. With the right marketing strategy, it can be possible to distinguish your business from your competitors and get your fair share of customers.

Do you know what is the right marketing strategy for your e-commerce website? Well, it is the technical SEO that can make your e-commerce website famous.

For e-commerce entrepreneurs looking to gain a competitive edge, leveraging specialized tools and software can be a game-changer. A notable example is Helium 10, a comprehensive suite designed to assist Amazon sellers in optimizing their listings, managing inventory, and conducting market research.

Many entrepreneurs find Helium 10 instrumental in refining their strategies and maximizing their presence on the platform. Those seeking to elevate their e-commerce game may even explore exclusive opportunities, such as a Helium 10 Coupon, which can provide cost-effective access to this powerful toolset.

As businesses navigate the crowded e-commerce landscape, the synergy of technical SEO and cutting-edge tools like Helium 10 can pave the way for increased visibility, customer engagement, and ultimately, success in the digital marketplace.

If you are unaware of the tips and tricks of technical SEO, this might affect your business to rank on the top page and get the visibility that it deserves.

In today’s highly competitive market, where your competitors are Amazon or Walmart, ranking on the top page is not enough, you must rank on the top.

According to a report, by Search Engine Watch in 2013, the average click-through rate received by the websites that rank #1 is 32.5% rank #2 is 17.6% and rank #3 is 11.4%.

So, ranking your e-commerce website on the top is a must if you want more business. Do you want to know the way to rank your website high? Below are discussed 12 amazing tips by following which, you can perform better technical SEO and rank your website on the top.

Before discussing the steps, let us know what technical SEO is!

Technical SEO is directly related to your website design and development. It plays a crucial role in boosting your website’s searchability. If the technical SEO part is unnoticed, it affects greatly on your website by dropping your page ranking and organic traffic.

In case, your website is not revisited for a while, with the help of technical SEO, it is possible to evaluate your current site situation and find out the reason behind a lower rank of your site.

1. A long-tail keyword is a must:
When you have an e-commerce website, you should choose the keywords that increase conversion rates. This is true that long-tail keywords do not attract more traffic, but they have higher conversion rates that enable you to understand the customers intent.

For example, the long-tail keyword “women sling bag” shows what your customers want than the keyword “bag”.

You can use the long-tail keywords in the product descriptions, title and meta description to optimize the keyword more effectively.

Serious buyers tend to search long-tail keywords to find a specific product.

If you are confused about what people are searching these days or how to find long-tail keywords for your specific product, there are multiple tools, including Ahrefs, Google Trends, SEMrush and Ubersuggest that you can use to get the solution.

2. Make the title and meta description unique:
Make sure the title and meta description for every product page is different and unique. Don’t forget to include the long-tail keyword in the title and metadata.

The title should be short and simple. Make the meta descriptions attractive and engaging. This will help in encouraging customers to check out your product page. Also, mention the deals and discounts in your meta description. The content for the metadata should not be more than 155-160 characters.

3. Check the site structure:
Are you sure your site structure is making the content accessible to the visitors? Check your site structure today and make sure your important pages are within three clicks from the home page.

Make your site structure in the following way –




Avoid adding subcategories in different sites. Categorize the products in the right way and make sure they don’t belong to multiple categories.

Make the URL structure similar. – Like www.xyz.com/brand/category/product

For example, if you want to make a page for Samsung Galaxy A80 Smartphone, make the URL like- www.xyz.com/samsung/smartphone/galaxy-A80

Make sure the URL length is not more than 160 character.

4. Canonical tags are important:
Large e-commerce websites often include product pages that are accessible from different categories. Hence, it might lead to different URLs with the same content.

This canonical issue can be solved with a canonical tag. A canonical tag is a simple HTML element. It tells Google which URL should be crawled and displayed in the search result.

Use the canonical tags wisely on the homepage since homepage duplication is quite natural in case of e-commerce sites.

5. Make your crawl budget high:
Crawl budget refers to the number of pages on your site that Google bots crawl on a particular day.

If you have a low crawl budget, you might face indexing issues that affect your search rankings. This is why optimizing crawl budget is a must if you want to rank your site high.

You can check your crawl budget with the help of Google Search Control.

Ways to boost your crawl budget:
You can improve your crawl budget by

  • Optimizing the link structure of your site
  • Enhancing the number of backlinks
  • Fixing broken link
  • Removing duplicate content and
  • Updating your sitemap daily

6. Use tools to crawl the website to identify and fix link issues:
There are multiple tools available online. Some of them are –

These tools can help you recognize and fix different HTTP error issues, like 3XX redirection errors, 4XX Client errors, 5XX server errors.

With the help of any of the above tools, you can also check the missing or duplicate page titles, H1 tags, image alt text, and meta description.

7. UX optimization for the mobile-first index:
In today’s age of mobile-first index, the UX plays a crucial role in the SEO. If you want your customers to find products easily and make online transactions safely, your website should have a user-friendly UX.

To optimize UX, you have to include the right images, graphics, animations, and CTA (call to action).
Make sure your website is designed based on the mobile-first index. By doing so, you choose the mobile version as the fundamental one for indexing.

8. Image optimization with Alt Text:
Images play a vital role in an e-commerce website. This is why optimizing images is a must if you have an e-commerce website. The images should have an alt text to provide a clear description of the image.
Make sure the alt text is descriptive. This can be quite helpful for you in case the image fails to load. Not only Google bots but also your customers will be able to know the information about your product, while there is a problem in image-loading. This is also helpful for visually impaired shoppers.

9. Redirect product pages that are out of stock:
If you have a few pages with out-of-stock products, redirecting them to the next most relevant page is a wise decision.

Usually, the site owners take such pages down, which lead to a 404 error. This can affect the search result negatively. Apart from this, 404 error is quite annoying for the visitors.

Redirecting this page will solve your issue. You can use 301 for permanent redirection. By using 302, you can enable Google or other search engines to continue indexing the URL.

10. Develop unique content for every product page:
If your e-commerce site holds a large number of product pages, you should develop unique content for the pages that are important and generate maximum traffic. Don’t forget to use ‘noindex’ tag for the pages that do not have unique content.

Creating unique content will help in solving the duplicate content issue and enhancing the overall user-experience. Make the content more conversational and engaging.

Developing duplicate content by mistake is a common issue for e-commerce sites. Avoid such issues by using canonicalization.

11. Develop and optimize new product pages:
Don’t forget to develop new product pages to make the site live. While doing so, make sure you are optimizing them too.

To optimize them, use long-tail keywords in the title, meta description, alt text, H1 tag, URL structure, and the content.

Use as much unique content as possible for every page to avoid duplication issues. All the pages must be optimized like the old ones to rank the site better.

12. Use the latest technology:
Last but not least, make sure all your job is done using the latest technology. Be it protecting your site from cyber hacks or potential crashes or boosting your site indexing, using the cutting-edge would help you the most.

For example, Magento 2 has a better source code than Magento 1 and indexing a Magento 2 website is much easier.

Don’t forget to update every single plugin, shopping cart, add on and security path regularly.

The above-discussed tips would help you to perform technical SEO for your e-commerce website. Give them a try to witness how it will drive more sales conversions.

Comment us your thought about how you can improve your e-commerce site with technical SEO. Reach on us if you need professional help.

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